印度致力提升海洋水產量及呼籲重視小型漁業團體權益印度積極推動沿海及遠洋漁業平衡發展,冀望日益衰退的海洋水產量能自現在的296萬公噸於2011-2012會計年度成長至300萬公噸。新海洋漁業政策係以遠洋作業規範及配額管理等符合永續標準的負責任漁業措施提升國家海洋水產量。 國際系統傢俱漁工應援聯盟(ICSF)與國家漁工論壇(NFF)為呼應印度積極發展保障傳統漁業團體權益之國家小型漁業政策及計畫的主張,於2011年9月19-20日在加爾各答召開之國家工作小組閉幕宣言中共同發表「小型漁業永續化:運用聯合國糧農組織海洋及內陸小型漁業指導方針」聲明書。印度直接仰賴漁業租辦公室維生者高達1,400萬人,其中從事小型漁業又佔絕大多數。加爾各答聲明書呼籲活化傳統制度及善用傳統漁民知識,並以適宜政策及合法架構為框,由簡入繁進行海洋及內陸漁業管理。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2011,17 October 2011) INDIA AIMS TO INCREASE MARINE FISH 室內裝潢CATCH TO 3 MILLION MT IN 2011-12 Concerned over declining marine catches, India is working on harmonized development of coastal and deep sea sector to enhance marine capture fisheries to 3 million MT in 2011-12 fiscal. The current annual production of marine 房屋貸款fisheries is 2.96 million MT, official sources report. The new marine fishing policy aims to augment marine fish production of the country up to a sustainable level in a responsible manner. Strategy of boosting marine fishery includes regulated fishing and 節能燈具capacity management in deepsea fishing. RIGHTS OF SMALL-SCALE FISHING COMMUNITIES MUST BE RECOGNIZED The Government of India has been urged to develop a national policy on small-scale fisheries to protect the rights and interests of small-scale fishing 系統傢俱communities through appropriate policies and programmes that respect, protect and secure the rights of traditional fishing communities. This call was made in a statement at the end of the National Workshop on "Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Towards FAO 太平洋房屋Guidelines on Marine and Inland Small-scale Fisheries", organized by the National Fishworkers’ Forum (NFF) in collaboration with the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), from 19–21 September 2011 in Kolkata. Pointing out that about 14 吳哥窟million people in India are directly dependent on fisheries for their lives and livelihoods, and that the vast majority of them are dependent on small-scale fisheries, the Kolkata Statement called for bottom-up processes for managing marine and inland 房地產fisheries by revitalizing traditional institutions and by employing the traditional knowledge of fishers, within an appropriate policy and legal framework. 

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